09 February 2008

Red's First Italian MINI Run!

So I have been in the mood for a good run... and today Amanda and I went on our first Run together... ok so Red took us on a run... But it was good. We did it in about 2 hours and got to see some beautiful Villages and roads. But at the end of my route we ended up on this hill top that was breathtaking. Here are some pictures and the route we took!

Red's First Italian MINI Run 009

Red's First Italian MINI Run 010

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06 February 2008

Elvis Goes to the Shop

Elvis Goes to the Shop 001

Well Guys, I hate to say it but Elvis is on his was back to this shop AGAIN! This time its the starter! the Mechanic came out to the house and checked it out and them pushed him on to the truck to take him back to the shop... the poor guy its just one thing after another... he still needs new wheels, tires and a new suspension. (sigh) this will be a premium Mini whne we bring him back!

~ Tim